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Calliope Games

Roll For It! (Color Set Purple)

Roll For It! (Color Set Purple)

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price $20.00 USD Sale price $20.00 USD
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Roll For It! is a casual, family-friendly dice and card game. Each player starts the game with six dice of a single color, and three target cards are laid face-up on the table. Players take turns doing the following: On a turn, a player rolls all of her dice not already on cards, then places any dice that match the targets on the corresponding cards. (Alternatively, before taking her turn, a player can first choose to reclaim all of her dice from all cards.)

If the player now fulfills the target with her dice ‚¬€œ e.g., a pair of 3s, a quartet of 6s, or a specific combination of numbers ‚¬€œ she claims the card, takes back her dice (and returns any other dice on the card to their owner), then places a new card on the table. Each card is worth a certain number of points. The first player to earn forty or more points wins!

With two sets of the game, up to eight players can compete in the same game of Roll For It!

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